These incessant ramblings of self-gratification by yours truly are meant to be purely sarcasm-laden hedonistic tongue-in-cheek depictions,caricatures and personal soulful thoughts(im dead serious here), and to those who are unwittingly offended or whose having-fun faces appear in my blog without your prior consent , well u guys can either pour out your heartfelt grievances at the abovementioned email address (not that i would really care unless u add me on MSN and then we can start having sadomasochism techniques discussions) or you can be better off whining and complaining to ur mamas ;cause i obviously wont give a shit about your bitching; OR to your so called "Friends In The Neighbourhood"
- Buah2 Pley Fotostat -
[x] Quasimodo-
[x] Tranny Lover Ridzal
[x] Zaibal The Legendary Cook
[x] Where All Muscular Hunks Gather
[x] Firah is now a dormant hamster hibernating in the Ural Mountains
[x] Azzah Miss Sardine-In-A-Can!
[x] Aliah has a gayboy fetish & i swear its true
[x] Nizzam Benji Lookalike!!
[x] Kikin BSB Die Hard Fan Of The Year
[x] Napoleon Dynamite, Ex-Ninja Muscle
- Also tune in to these radio stations in your cities: OZ FM Bandung, Istara Surabaya, Geronimo FM Jogja, Gajahmada FM Semarang, Kiss FM Medan, Kisi FM Bogor. -
Cewek-Cewek Indon yg ingin dan berminat banget untuk ngobrol dengan kami yang dari Singapur juga dipersilakan antar emel ya.. waduh !
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
"Dia ingat dia pandai sangat ah tu.. Merepek kerepek nye budak2 ah.."
- Chow Yun Lif
"Wah, korang gembira sakan nampak.. Aku sendiri nie yg nak jaga maruah abang2 mat-mat Skudai takkan act cute mcm korang nie la.. Nie pasal aku kena ikut arahan chong aku la..korang mana tau ini semua, kanak2 hidup takda tujuan.. Takde pegangan terus! Pui!
- Jaki Jelapang (Dikir Activist with design bag w/o motorcycle licence)