1. If you try to be nice to a girl/s, you get labelled
"Don Juan", "Nonok", "Gatal", "Mr Cinta-Cinta"
by inferior-feeling banana munching apes when all you were trying to do was to be fucking nice for once.
(An example of an inferior-feeling banana munching ape)
2. If you try to tell yourself, "Okay then, screw that, I'll be nice to only guys now", you then get suspicious stares from curious-looking envious apes and thus get labelled
"Gayboy", "Transexually-Oriented", "Wierdo"
3. If u then get exasperated over such macaque-like chatter over your preferences and thus focus ur attention on being nice to ONLY animals now, the squacks by His Majesty the Ape Emperor & Her Highness the Ape Empress get several decibels louder as u are now bestowed the titles of
"Animal-Nympho", "Furry", "Sick Asshole"
Caught in a conundrum.
And placed in a quagmire of jealous sentiments by such high lofted Neanderthal royalty.
So what do you do now?
What's the use of being nice ?
EITHER you take the route of the manipulative Shakespearean machavillain ala Iago, Don John et cetera
OR you submit to the request and heed to HIS & HER Macaque Majesty and become an eternal slave to the whim and fancy of their brood
( A wise choice indeed.)
I choose to tell those Babooned Face Critics to Fuck Off
Look at themselves in their own mirror
And mind their own fucking business
Stop trying to be Big Brother and Sister of your own orgasmic imaginations of an Ape Clan for once
I've made my choice.
What's yours?
Rant 7:18 AM of Azmie