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- Necessary Natural Narcissism -
These incessant ramblings of self-gratification by yours truly are meant to be purely sarcasm-laden hedonistic tongue-in-cheek depictions,caricatures and personal soulful thoughts(im dead serious here), and to those who are unwittingly offended or whose having-fun faces appear in my blog without your prior consent , well u guys can either pour out your heartfelt grievances at the abovementioned email address (not that i would really care unless u add me on MSN and then we can start having sadomasochism techniques discussions) or you can be better off whining and complaining to ur mamas ;cause i obviously wont give a shit about your bitching; OR to your so called "Friends In The Neighbourhood"
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[x] Quasimodo-
[x] Tranny Lover Ridzal
[x] Zaibal The Legendary Cook
[x] Where All Muscular Hunks Gather
[x] Firah is now a dormant hamster hibernating in the Ural Mountains
[x] Azzah Miss Sardine-In-A-Can!
[x] Aliah has a gayboy fetish & i swear its true
[x] Nizzam Benji Lookalike!!
[x] Kikin BSB Die Hard Fan Of The Year
[x] Napoleon Dynamite, Ex-Ninja Muscle
- Also tune in to these radio stations in your cities: OZ FM Bandung, Istara Surabaya, Geronimo FM Jogja, Gajahmada FM Semarang, Kiss FM Medan, Kisi FM Bogor. -
Cewek-Cewek Indon yg ingin dan berminat banget untuk ngobrol dengan kami yang dari Singapur juga dipersilakan antar emel ya.. waduh !
Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Wah kaoz leh...
Read this up somewhere..Useful pseudo-contemplative fodder for those good-for-nothings who don't know what else to do but surf the net cause exams are over and you feel pretty bored cause its 1 am in the morning. hmmm..sounds awfully familiar to me..


The terms agnosticism and agnostic were coined by Thomas Henry Huxley in 1869. The concept however has long existed: the philosophical and theological view that the existence of God, gods or deities is either unknown, or inherently unknowable. The term is also used to describe those who are unconvinced or noncommittal about the existence of deities as well and other matters of religions.

The singular characteristic of agnosticism is that the existence of God is inherently unknowable, however others view this singular characteristic as either uncertainty or doubt. For this reason, agnosticism is a form of scepticism focusing on religious statements, and so faces some of the same philosophical issues.

For instance if an agnostic claims that absolute knowledge of truth is not possible and does not restrict the scope of this claim, they are in danger of contradicting themselves. For then the statement there are no absolute truths would appear itself to be an absolute truth. An agnostic is on firmer ground if they claim that religious statements or statements about the numinous world are not or cannot be satisfactorily justified. If such were the case, it would be reasonable to reserve judgment. For instance, an agnostic might demand that religious statements be justified in the same way as scientific statements, perhaps in terms of the scientific method. Since this is adopting an attitude towards the quality of proof required to accept such statements, agnosticism becomes a matter of inclination rather than of logical proof. That is, one need only be willing to accept a different justification of religious statements in order to avoid agnosticism. Perhaps this explains why agnostics do not generally engage in proselytization.

P.S. M.Mentor Lky is an agnostic. betcha u didn't know that. tee hee.

I love this feeling.
of being

heez!! PPPPPPP

Rant 9:42 AM of Azmie
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