There we were, still reeling from the psychedelic spasms, that being the by-product of the tantalising, titillating night of jazz vocals with Missus Maestro Dianne Reeves and her quintet ( with 3 Grammys at that) , but some MOTHERFUCKER had to spoil the dayyyyy

After leaving our sedans, cabriolets & coupes to the nearby valet to screw with, we decided to get a drink at this cafe with suggestively-relaxed ambience which we eyed from a distance. it looked inviting, comfy; the lighting was somehow beckoning us to give it a try..
And why not? we were longing for some coffee anyway
and so we ordered, me (Johnny Depp) and Zai ordered the same thing, a Cappuccino.
took the cup and sat on our easy chairs, chatting about our next racketeering heist and teaching Wan Tween the ropes to being a made man , when suddenly, a stinging realization dawned upon me as i stared at the table:
Donnie Brasco (Azmi Depp) : Oei! What's with the fucking liberal dose of foam in the fucken' coffee? And it tastes like shittt
Sonny Black (Zai Woody Allen) : Yea Donnie, u got me there.. even shit tastes better i guess.. (if that line wasnt a dead giveaway, nothing is)
Donnie Brasco : Whaaat.. these barristas deserve to be sent for just like good ol' Joe Pesci..they won't know whats coming for them ..
All: Ha ha ha ha ha!
Elmo (Wan) : (in a fucking whiny voice) I suggest we burn this place down!! hehe! Just like those movies where we arson them! Eat that bozos! hehehehe!
(5 minute silence)
Donnie & Sonny: What the FUCK was that??

Well to help u guys visualise the scenario and cut the story short, herein lies the picture of the 3 of us, with me and Zai looking at Wan ( the guy with floppy hair in the pic) in disbelief and exhaustion and proceeded to beat him up, And send him sleeping with the fishes. ( just believe me lah even tho it sounds like a long haul).
BUT that didn't spoil our day.
The fucking coffee did. those barrista motherfuckers went to far.
the foam. the stupid foam. stayed in my throat and lingered in my stomach even til the next day. had to wash it down with even more coffee. dumbfucks.
That's it.

They are next on the hit list.
Rant 9:04 PM of Azmie